Our Brief.
Heaven Media wurde gebeten, die Verantwortung für die Erstellung, Verwaltung und Übertragung des prestigeträchtigen ROG und Intel EMEA CS:GO Turniers zu übernehmen.

What We Did.
Heaven managed the entire CS:GO tournament, handling from the qualifiers to the grand finals. This included social campaigns, livestreams, prize management, player coordination, administrative support, and an engaging broadcast with a virtual studio.
Bringing The Hype.
Our end-to-end campaign was built on influencer outreach, captivating assets and trailers, and robust tournament infrastructure.
The tournament witnessed a fantastic regional turnout, resulting in dynamic and thrilling gameplay for both competitors and audiences alike.

Event Wrap-Up.
Following the events’ epic conclusion, our team managed post-event duties including prize payouts and post-event content.