Wie nicht-demografische Marken in der Spieleindustrie Fuß fassen können

Für nicht-endemische Marken gibt es enorme Möglichkeiten, in der Spieleindustrie Fuß zu fassen. Wir erörtern, wie Unternehmen den Kontakt zu den Spielern herstellen sollten.
nicht-endemische Spieleindustrie

The games industry is massive. More than 330,000 people work at video game companies across the globe, bringing in $334+ billion in revenue this year. The industry is bigger than the music, tv, and movie industries combined. The games they make fuel countless hours of entertainment for 3.4 billion gamers worldwide.

95% of Gen Z and Millennials play video games, according to a report from YPulse, with 78% playing weekly or more often. It means more traditional ways of reaching audiences, like television and streaming, are in a fight against gaming content for time on people’s screens.

With the amount of money involved, it only makes sense that brands outside of the gaming industry want to find new and unique ways to reach gamers. What’s the most effective way to do that? At Heaven, we suggest starting with marketing your current products to gaming audiences. 

Start with Stellar Gaming Marketing Campaigns 

The list of non-endemic brands trying to break into the games industry and appeal to gamers is endless. It includes companies from sectors like food and beverage, fashion, automobile and more. We find that the brands who follow comprehensive marketing strategies find the most success in tapping into this lucrative market.

If you’re looking to attract a new audience of gamers, start with getting your brand in the community instead. Businesses that get the most positive attention with their marketing campaigns geared toward gamers, are because those activations are presented in unique, creative and authentic ways. Some examples: 

Heaven Media worked with iconic Swedish furniture-maker IKEA as they collaborated with ASUS ROG to showcase their gaming room focused furniture products at EGX London. 

Heaven has also worked with UK telecommunications and internet company Sky on their #NoRoomForAbuse campaign, an initiative focused on empowering women in the gaming industry.

Adidas has broken into the games industry with its custom gaming product lines which are supported by esports and creator sponsorships.  DHL has gotten involved by serving as a key logistics sponsorship partner to deliver esports events globally. Wendy’s doesn’t use frozen beef in its restaurants, so the company executed a campaign that resulted in the live destruction of burger freezers in Fortnite to reinforce this message at scale. 

Authenticity with the Gaming Audience 

Gamers are technology-savvy. They see advertisements and marketing campaigns every day in the gaming content they watch. Gamers know when a company is authentic and has genuine interest in the gaming community. Delivering a marketing campaign that resonates with a diverse group of people who play all types of games will go a long way to cementing yourself as a friend of the industry.

Non-endemic brands can align their values and messaging with gamer culture by using the right tone of voice and marketing channels. This includes influencer partnerships, social media content and in-game advertising (in a non-disruptive format). There are many different options to reach gamers through gamer-centric content in a way that’ll result in them championing your brands’ story. Actively participating in gaming culture can help push your brand to new heights. Genuinely connecting with gamers can help you build trust across platforms and achieve your campaign objectives.  

Crafting an Effective Long-Term Gaming Strategy 

Companies have barely scratched the surface when it comes to gaming potential. Brands that have dug deeper and executed effective marketing campaigns geared toward gamers have benefitted massively as early adopters. Doing this requires you to meet gaming audiences where they’re at, and in the right formats. It also means you need an agency that has extensive knowledge and expertise in the games industry, the gaming audience, and the most effective ways to reach them. 

Heaven Media has a team of industry veterans who can help you deliver outstanding marketing campaigns to engage with a gaming audience, through a full range of services. Discover how Heaven can help you transform your activations by reaching out to our team today. 

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